Cy Keener

Assistant Professor, Art
1211E Parren J. Mitchell Art-Sociology Building
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Research Expertise
Digital Fabrication
Data Visualization
Cy Keener is an interdisciplinary artist who uses environmental sensing and kinetic sculpture to record and represent the natural world. He is an Assistant Professor of Sculpture and Emerging Technology in the Department of Art. His work includes a range of data-based installations to visualize diverse phenomena including sea ice, wind, rain and ocean waves. He received a Master of Fine Arts from Stanford University, and a Master of Architecture from the University of California, Berkeley. Cy has completed commissioned installations at the Scottsdale Museum of Contemporary Art, Stanford University, Suyama Space in Seattle, and the Rubin Center for the Visual Arts at the University of Texas. He is currently collaborating with the International Arctic Buoy Programme through funding from the National Science Foundation to deploy sensors in the Arctic Ocean.