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Frequently Asked Questions

Frequently Asked Questions for Undergraduates


Q: What are the major tracks?
A: The Department of Art offers three tracks to a Bachelor of Arts Degree. All majors enter the Department in Track 1, the open B.A., and take a required group of six foundation courses. After completion of the foundation courses, students may continue in Track 1 without portfolio review or may choose to submit a portfolio of work completed in Track 1 courses for admission into Track 2: Advanced Specialization or Track 3: Graphic Design. Portfolio reviews for both specializations take place once a year during the spring semester, usually in March. 

Q: Do I need to declare an area of specialization within the Studio Art major?

A: You do not need to declare an area of specialization. Track 1 is considered an “open” track, and it allows you to explore various media at the intermediate and advanced levels.

Q: How do I apply for an undergraduate admission into the program?
A: The Department of Art offers a Bachelor of Arts degree with courses in the areas of painting & drawing, print media, sculpture, digital media, and graphic design. Students enter the program with an intensive foundations program that focuses on the fundamentals of composition in both two- and three-dimensional applications. Undergraduate admissions into the program is managed through the university. 

Visit the University’s Undergraduate Admissions site for more information on the application process, application requirements and deadlines.

Q: Is there a required portfolio submission for admission into the major?
A: There is no required portfolio submission for admission into the major. However, submission of portfolios is required for certain awards and scholarships.

Q: Can I minor in Studio Art?
A: The Department does not offer a minor in Studio Art. 

Q: I am currently enrolled at UMD but I would like to change my major to Studio Art. Who should I contact?

A: Please contact Emily Conover ( After meeting with her, you will need to make an appointment with ARHU advising:

Q: I am interested in the Immersive Media Design (IMD) major. Should I contact the Department of Art or College of Computer, Mathematical, and Natural Sciences (CMNS)?

A: Please contact the Immersive Media Design Undergraduate Advising Office at

Visit the Immersive Media Design’s homepage for more information. 

Q: I am interested in taking a few courses but I am not a student at UMD. Is that an option?
A: In order to take courses at UMD, you will need to apply and be accepted into the university as we do not offer any courses for professionals or non-students.

Q: I am a Studio Art major, who is my advisor?
A: Students accepted into Track 3, the Graphic Design concentration, will be advised by the Graphic Design Program Director, Professor Antwon Key. All other studio art majors will be advised by Emily Conover. Please make an appointment by emailing Emily Conover at Include your UID in your request. 

See additional FAQs related to advising under FAQs for Studio Art majors.

Q: Where can I find the schedule of courses for Art Studio? 
A: The schedule of courses for Art Studio can be found on the Office of the Registrar’s webpage under “Schedule of Classes”. Select “ARTT-Art Studio” to see the full list of courses for each term. 

Visit the Office of the Registrar’s webpage for the Schedule of Courses. 

Q: I would like to repeat an upper-level ARTT course such as ARTT418B, ARTT428, ARTT438, ARTT448, ARTT479 or ARTT498. Can I do that for credit? 

  1. Yes, ARTT courses that end with an eight (8) or a nine (9) for up to 12 credits with the exception of ARTT389, which is repeatable for 6 credits. ARTT389 does not count toward major requirements. 

Q: How do I register for courses that require the prerequisite of “Permission of ARHU-Art Department”?
A: You will need to directly email the instructor of the courses and sections that you wish to enroll into for the semester and request permission. Once permission is granted, forward the instructor’s email to Please include your UID in your request. 

Visit our Department Directory page for instructors’ emails. 

Q: I received an internship and I’d like to receive ARTT386 credit. Who do I contact?

A: Students in Track 1 should contact Professor Wendy Jacobs (, and students in Track 3 should contact Professor Alireza Vaziri, Assistant Professor to the Graphic Design concentration. 

The course is offered for 3- through 6-credits, and is available for a letter grade or as Pass-Fail

  • 3 credits= 135 hours on-site
  • 4 credits = 180 hours on-site
  • 5 credits = 225 hours on-site
  • 6 credits = 270 hours on-site

Q: Are ARTT courses online?
A: Beginning Fall 2021, instructional delivery will return to primarily face-to-face courses.

Q: How do I apply for the Honors Program?
A: Studio art majors have the opportunity to gain unique studio and research experience through the department’s Honors Program. Students with the following criteria are eligible to apply for the Honors Program: 

  • Minimum overall 3.0 GPA and 3.5 GPA in ARTT courses for best consideration.
  • Completion of all foundation art courses: ARTT 100, 110, 150, 200, 210 and 255.
  • Minimum of one 300-level intermediate studio course; more than one is highly recommended.
  • No less than 75 credits towards the degree though priority will be given to those entering their final two semesters (30 credits needed to finish their degree).
  • Full-time enrollment (earning 12 or more credit hours per semester). 

Applicants may apply to the Honors Program through the Department of Art Combined Application link. This link will be activated on the first day of classes following Spring Break and will remain available until 4:00p.m. on TBD. 

Visit our Honors Program page to learn more about the Program and its application materials. 

Q: Are awards and scholarships available? 
A: Numerous awards and scholarships are available for students in the art major. These awards and scholarships include the Creative and Performing Arts Scholarship, which awards full in-state tuition for one academic year, and the John Dorsey Prize for Outstanding Curatorial Practice, which awards the winner with a budget to be used for the curation, promotion, and exhibition of a dedicated show in the Herman Maril Gallery. 

Visit our Scholarships and Awards page for a full list.

Frequently Asked Questions for Graphic Design Concentration

If you have any questions about the program, please contact Antwon Key(

When are applications due? 

  • Applications are due every spring in early March.

How do I apply? 

  • To apply, you must email to obtain a personal login to the Once you have a login you will be able to apply to the graphic design concentration in the spring. 

Who can apply? 

Eligible students must…

  • Be a Studio Art major.
  • Have a minimum overall GPA of 3.0.
  • Have completed (or currently be enrolled in) the art foundation courses—ARTT100: “Two-Dimensional Design Fundamentals,” ARTT110: “Elements of Drawing I,” ARTT150: “Introduction to Art Theory,” ARTT200: “Three-Dimensional Art Fundamentals,” ARTT210: “Elements of Drawing II,” and ARTT255: “Digital Art and Design Processes” or, in special cases, have received permission from the design faculty to apply.

Can I apply to the Graphic Design Concentration while filling out my application to the University of Maryland, College Park (UMD)? 

  • No, applications to the graphic design concentration are separate from the application to the university. You must apply to the university first and be accepted before applying to the graphic design concentration. For application deadlines to the university please visit the office of undergraduate admissions

Do I have to submit a portfolio? 

  • Yes! Each applicant must upload 10-12 single image files that evidence studio art foundation skills. For more information regarding the portfolio requirement please visit the Department of Art website. 

Can I apply to the concentration as a freshman? 

  • No. Students eligible to apply must be current studio art majors and have completed all of the art foundation courses or equivalent courses if transferring from another institution. 

What if I don’t get in the first time?

  • You may reapply to the concentration the following spring if you don’t get in the first time. But do understand that you might have to stay a 5th year at UMD if you want to complete the concentration.

Frequently Asked Advising Questions for Current Studio Art Majors

Q: Who should I contact if I have mandatory advising?

  1. Students in Track 1 and Track 2 should contact Emily Conover via email ( to request an appointment. Please include your UID number. Students in Track 3, Graphic Design, should contact the program director, Professor Antwon Key ( 
  2. You will also need to schedule an appointment with ARHU advising. You can schedule an appointment online with an ARHU Advisor using this link: (at any time) or by calling 301-405-2108 (during open hours).

Please note: All ARHU students have mandatory advising for the first semester of matriculation (both transfer students and first year students), at 45-55 credits, and at 86-100 credits. 

Q: I have questions about my general education courses (such as ENGL, MATH) or ARHU requirements. Who should I contact?

  1. Please see your ARHU advisor:

Q: Who should I contact with questions regarding registering for a class with a time conflict, credit overloads and late drop/add?

Please visit this website for the Dean’s Exception to Policy:

Q: I missed the deadline to apply for graduation. Who should I contact?

  1. Please contact Jessica White ( to obtain the appropriate form along with additional instructions