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The Graduate School

2013-14 Capaa And Rasa Award Recipients

December 04, 2012 Art, American Studies, Art History and Archaeology, Classics, College of Arts and Humanities, College of Arts and Humanities, Communication, English, History, Linguistics, Philosophy, School of Languages, Literatures, and Cultures, School of Music, School of Theatre, Dance, and Performance Studies

Numerous ARHU faculty received Creative and Performing Arts Awards (CAPAA) or Research and Scholarship Awards (RASA) for 2013-14.

2013-14 Capaa And Rasa Award Recipients

December 04, 2012 American Studies, Art, Art History and Archaeology, Classics, College of Arts and Humanities, Communication, English, History, Linguistics, Philosophy, School of Languages, Literatures, and Cultures, School of Music, School of Theatre, Dance, and Performance Studies, The Harriet Tubman Department of Women, Gender, and Sexuality Studies

Numerous ARHU faculty received Creative and Performing Arts Awards (CAPAA) or Research and Scholarship Awards (RASA) for 2013-14.


Video: Ted: Hasan Elahi: Fbi, Here I Am!

November 16, 2012 Art, College of Arts and Humanities

When Hasan Elahi’s name was added (by mistake) to the US government’s watch list, he fought the assault on his privacy by turning his life inside-out for all the world to see.

2012-13 New Faculty Appointments

October 25, 2012 Art, American Studies, Classics, College of Arts and Humanities, Communication, English, History, School of Languages, Literatures, and Cultures, Persian, School of Music

The College of Arts and Humanities welcomes new faculty cohort to UMD.

Drawing Up An Appetite

October 12, 2012 Art, College of Arts and Humanities

Dining Services turns to design students to spruce up marketing. 

Mckeldin Library'S Terrapin Learning Commons Showcases Digital Art

October 01, 2012 Art, College of Arts and Humanities, Technology

Opening coincides with new services for the new school year.

Promising Artists Of The 21St Century

August 22, 2012 Art, David C. Driskell Center for the Visual Arts and Culture of African Americans and the African Diaspora

Art M.F.A. candidate Lauren Shea Little exhibits her work in an international exhibition.

Baltimore City Paper

State Of The Art

July 11, 2012 Art

The City Paper's Bret McCabe on art professor Hasan Elahi's submission for the Sondheim Prize.By Bret McCabe, Baltimore City Paper...

Washington Post

Foon Sham

May 25, 2012 Art

Art Professor Foon Sham's sculpture exhibition at Project 4 Gallery reviewed by the Washington Post.


The Nature Of Things

May 13, 2012 Art

 Art Department professor John Ruppert's sculpture reviewed in ARCH2O.By Kristen Hoover, ARCH2O