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Brentwood Arts Exchange Features Work By Area Undergraduates

December 09, 2010 Art

Art Exhibit "Impressed: New Visions in Printmaking" features more than 60 UMD Daniel Leaderman, GazetteDecember 9, 2010


Poetic. Aesthetic. An Exploration Of Creativity In Poetry And Visual Art At Umd’S Art Gallery

December 09, 2010 Art, University of Maryland Art Gallery, English

Preview: UMD's The Art Gallery will put on an exhibition of visual art inspired by literature starting Thursday, Jan. 27, 2011. by CultureMob Staff, CultureMobDecember 9, 2010


Poetic. Aesthetic. An Exploration Of Creativity In Poetry And Visual Art At Umd’S Art Gallery

December 09, 2010 Art, University of Maryland Art Gallery, English

Preview: UMD's The Art Gallery will put on an exhibition of visual art inspired by literature starting Thursday, Jan. 27, 2011. by CultureMob Staff, CultureMobDecember 9, 2010

All Art Friday: Dunlap Paints Barns

December 03, 2010 Art, University of Maryland Art Gallery, English

Colorful creatures adorn barns in Maryland's farmland as part of UMD's Art Gallery project Poetic. Aesthetic.

East City Art

The Brentwood Arts Exchange Presents: "Impressed: New Visions In Printmaking"

November 30, 2010 College of Arts and Humanities, Art

Local exhibition features undergraduate printmakers from the Department of Art.

Lift 11

Hasan Elahi On Disclosing Your Whole Life Online To Escape The U.S. Terrorists List

November 25, 2010 Art

Lift Blogger Laurent Haug talks with Associate Professor Hasan Elahi about technology, media and their social implications.By Laurent Haug, Lift Published: November 25, 2010 


Privacy Practice

November 02, 2010 Art

Read about some of ARHU's newest faculty including Assoc Prof Hasan Elahi and his stint on the FBI's terror watchlist.

UM Newsdesk

2010-2011 Arhu Fulbright Recipients

June 04, 2010 Art, Art History and Archaeology, College of Arts and Humanities, College Park Scholars-Arts, Communication, English, Linguistics, Joseph and Rebecca Meyerhoff Program and Center for Jewish Studies, Philosophy, Chinese, French, German Studies, Italian, Russian, Spanish and Portuguese, School of Music

A record 13 students and alumni of the University of Maryland, College Park have been awarded Fulbright grants for 2010-2011, of which nine are ARHU students.

2010-2011 Arhu Fulbright Recipients

June 04, 2010 Art, Art History and Archaeology, College of Arts and Humanities, College Park Scholars-Arts, Communication, English, Linguistics, Joseph and Rebecca Meyerhoff Program and Center for Jewish Studies, Philosophy, Chinese, French, German Studies, Italian, Russian, Spanish and Portuguese, School of Music

A record 13 students and alumni of the University of Maryland, College Park have been awarded Fulbright grants for 2010-2011, of which nine are ARHU students.

ARHU Announces 2009-2010 Artists-In-Residence

October 14, 2009 College of Arts and Humanities, Art, School of Music, School of Theatre, Dance, and Performance Studies

For Immediate ReleaseOctober 14th, 2009Contacts: Nicky Everette, 301-405-6714 or The College of Arts and Humanities is pleased to announce the following 2009-2010 Artists-in-Residence: